I remember when we moved to New Jersey. We were quite excited over the prospect of all the amazing sightseeing and cultural opportunities in close proximity. Best intentions. We lived there for about one and a half years. While we weren’t exactly a hop and skip from New York City, it certainly was pretty close.
Well, we ended up moving away for a new job. During the time we lived in New Jersey we only managed to visit the Jersey shore once and the Big Apple twice. Sad.
I think this is what often happens. There is a lot more to do and see near home for a lot of us. Since it’s all so near to home it will always be available. Other obligations keep you from enjoying many things in close proximity. Something like the following is a pretty routine conversation in our house:
“Hey, should we go do X tomorrow?”
“No, we can do that another time. I think I just want to take it easy.”
If you’re lucky, some relatives come to visit and you take them. For us, we’ve ended up moving more than once without ever taking advantage of the opportunities near home.
We now live in Denver. Colorado is beautiful. Again, we frequently skip the “sightseeing” and day trips in favor of chores and obligations.
My wife and I have been talking about some long term travel and becoming digital nomads. That has me once again wondering about the many opportunities I’m likely missing around here. It also makes me wonder why it’s so much easier to explore when traveling.
Rather than thinking about all the reasons and lamenting missed opportunities, I’m making a change. I’ll embrace the digitalnomad in me, but locally.
I work from home. I am not tied to an office. It’s time to start doing. Over the next few months I’ll be taking some day trips and willingly commute to places close to home. I’m not just thinking the nearest coffee shop. I’m going to pick a place that is interesting and then work from there or nearby. Then I’ll explore a bit throughout the day.
There are a lot of beautiful and cool spots within an hour’s drive. Lots of places have some sculptures, a little museum, maybe a microbrewery, a cool park or a fun lunch spot. I’m going to find some of them and become a local digital nomad.
Here’s to trying something new.